Graellsia y Zerynthia.

The nocturnal moth Actias isabelae, is an endemic saturniid of the Iberian Peninsula.

This moth is unique to our country which is a valuable specimen and valued species because of this trait.

It is considered “The most beautiful lepidopteran in Europe”, and it is no wonder when you apprecite its colours, wing structure that could have been design by very talented illustrator.

It is an endangered species in several of our Autonomous Communities of Spain, hence the importance of our appeal for their protection.

The interest of its conservation not only affects the national and regional level, but also at an international level, so we must not fail to pay attention to this singular and emblematic species.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA) has provided the opportunity to the Zerynthia Association, a non-profit organization, to work for the conservation of butterflies and their habitat in Spain, to undertake this project.
A multidisciplinary team has gathered to prepare this monograph, which you can read here;

We hope you will support this, so you be able enjoy all the aspects related to this wonderful species.

The Mariposario de Benalmádena, collaborates with the Zerynthia Association in it’s efforts in the education and conservation of butterflies and their habitat.